
Fat Loss Factor Review.

What Is The Fat Loss Factor?

The Fat Loss Factor is a weight loss program created 
for fast weight loss and is designed by Dr.Charles Livingston, a certified nutritionist and chiropractor from america who is held in high regard within his profession. His top selling program the Fat Loss Factor consists of a quality content 3 piece system. In this what you get is- an ebook full of info to help you to achieve fast weight lossvarious videos, and some very detailed workout plans, which will be key for you in getting results. This weight loss program has been recognized as one of the best on the market today.

What Does It Include?

The first phase of the program is about cleansing your system, and preparing for your course and what lies ahead. Dr. Livingston states that, if the liver fails to break down cholesterol, fat begins to accumulate and causes obesity. With that being said, the number one priority is to cleanse the liver, restoring its ability to filter toxic substances, and break the vicious fat accumulation cycle. Once this is implemented, the liver is then functioning at it's full capacity, thus helping the body react much better in turn.

Once you have completed the cleansing stage, the program moves you on to the second phase, which is the weight loss proper. This is achieved by including a diet compiled of special foods with fat burning properties and an exercise program consisting of cardio workouts and strength training. He states that shorter cardio workouts are prefered and are more beneficial in terms of weight loss than say, a marathon or long distance running. 

In the final stage of the program, Dr. Livingston focuses a lot of attention on the maintenance of low stress levels and emotional support, because as he says, mental well being is absolutely necessary for achieving weight loss goals. The desire and self will to succeed in losing weight is half of the battle and half way to achieving it. Keeping a positive mindset will not only get you through the times where you feel the pressure, but in turn will keep you fully focused on what lies ahead and where you want to get too.


The program also includes various bonuses, including a personal recipe ebook from the creator. You will also have access to some extra videos featuring other nutritionist's talking about different aspects of a healthy lifestyle.

     Pros of Fat Loss Factor

  • Easy to follow manual with  broken down sections
  • Multiple workout plans avialable
  • Short but very effective workouts 
  • Bonus materials, including proven recipe ebook
  • Money back guarantee included

     Cons of Fat Loss Factor

  • 14 day detox period before advancing
  • Commitment required, cannot be off and on
  • Daily food costs could be higher


Fat loss factor is very flexible in terms of content. It provides many different exercise routines for both men and women, plus sectioned plans for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. It also includes a mini workouts section for those of us don't have much time available.

Flexibility is very important when choosing a weight loss program. A rigid diet plan or exercise program is useless if you can't follow it to the exact requirements, which for a lot people proves quite challenging. The fat loss factor is advantageous in this aspect. For example, if you realize that you don't have time for a full 40-minute workout, this doesn't mean that you mark the day as failed in your exercise plan, you simply perform the alternative 15-minute mini-workout instead. This is the the beauty of how this program has been designed.

In terms of the nutritional side of things, this program focuses on organic foods in both the cleansing and fat burning stages, which is very good because it's the right way to do it and most rewarding, but there is a drawback. On the one hand, organic foods are generally healthier and are better suited for a weight loss diet, therefore the results tend to be faster than normal. On the other hand though, as good as organic is, it can be pretty expensive to go down that route. Although it is not essential that you eat organic to get good weight loss results, it usually provides fast weight loss compared to other foods.

Fat loss factor comes highly rated and is scientifically proven to achieve fast weight loss. It is helping many people worldwide successfully achieve their personal desires, and has received acclaimed praise for it's fresh and sophisticated outlook on losing weight whilst also achieving the results so many crave. 

You've seen in this Fat Loss Factor Review some of the benefits of it, now see what it is all about for yourself, you can visit the official website below.
